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Melissa Harrison

5 Studying Hacks To Help You Ace Your Exams

1. Use a mnemonic device.

Easily remember sequences and key concepts – like PEMDAS – by revamping them into a story you can relate to.

2. YouTube it.

Channels like CrashCourse take big topics and break them down into short, easy-to-understand episodes. (And there’s an episode for just about every subject under the sun.)

3. Download free apps to study on the go.

Apps like Flashcards+ and Study Blue let you make and organize your own mobile flashcards and review sheets. Too much work? You can also browse through sets that others have already made.

4. Caffeinate (in breaks!)…

Caffeine helps kick the brain into gear, but you’re better off opting for frequent, small coffee breaks, rather than downing that venti before you hit the books.

5. Give your notes a makeover.

Amp up your notes with colors and visuals, and you’ll be more likely to recall the details when it’s game time.