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Lizzie Fuhr

How To Work Around Your Lazy And Keep Fit

1. Keep it short:

Always opt for a short and intense workout over a longer one where you don't push yourself. HIIT it, then quit it.

2. Get it out of the way:

Start your day with a workout so you don't have a chance to skip it later. This one is great for all the procrastinating lazy ladies out there.

3. Two birds, one stone:

Cardio and strength training don't have to happen separately. Combine them in one workout like this 30-minute printable for a killer workout.

4. Hit the floor:

Yes, you can lie on the floor and still get an awesome workout.

5. Double TV time:

Your commercial breaks are mini workouts that add up after an hour or two of your favorite shows. Try this three-minute workout the next time you want to binge on the tube.

6. Socialize:

Grab friends for your next class. Scheduling a fitness date will make you more likely to stick with the game plan. No one likes to bail on someone they love.

7. Pack up early:

Get your gear ready to go the night before your workout. That way you don't have to rush around right before your workout . . . or end up skipping it altogether.

8. Change your commute:

Ride your bike or walk for a portion or all of your commute. Makings things active will help you burn calories and keep you off public transportation for as long as possible.

9. Multitask the mundane:

You can always sneak in some exercise. Move through calf raises when you're standing in a long line or waiting for the bus, and move through this two-minute workout you can do while brushing your teeth.